Photo: Juulia Niiniranta
The documentary "Vanishing Towns" delves into the gradual disappearance of small towns and villages in central Finland.

The project was inspired by Peniche’s experience applying for an artistic residency in Rääkkylä in late 2023, which offered free housing for a year in exchange for promoting the village through art and social media. Though selected, Peniche ultimately withdrew from the program for personal reasons.

However, during his initial research, he discovered a stark reality: Rääkkylä's population had plummeted from around 9,000 residents just about twenty years ago to less than 1,900 in 2024.

This drastic decline is symptomatic of a broader trend affecting small Finnish towns. Peniche's conversations with former residents who had relocated to larger cities revealed that the centralization of essential services—such as hospitals and high schools—has played a significant role in this depopulation. With basic needs increasingly being met in larger towns, residents are forced to move away for healthcare, education, and work. This dynamic has made small towns less attractive, particularly to younger generations, who are often required to leave for better opportunities.

Aside from the brief influx of visitors during summer festivals, these towns face a year-round struggle with isolation, boredom, and a lack of amenities. Despite their natural beauty and local charm, these features alone are insufficient to sustain long-term viability.

The documentary aims to explore the underlying reasons behind this decline, questioning why a wealthy nation like Finland is allowing such communities to wither away. Peniche is particularly interested in the personal stories of the remaining residents—their histories, memories, and emotions. By focusing on these human elements, the documentary seeks to highlight the significance of these towns' heritage and the profound impact that these so-called progressive changes are having on the lives of those who call them home.
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